Cube Learning & Development
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June 12, 2024

What is situational leadership and how best to use it?

One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to leadership. It requires adaptability and a keen understanding of the individuals being led. One approach to this complexity is situational leadership, a model designed by Blanchard and Hersey to help leaders tailor their approach based on the developmental level of their team members.   And this approach really does work. A study examined the impact of situational leadership on job satisfaction and employee performance within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The findings revealed that this leadership style has a significant positive effect, […]
February 12, 2024

Creating your leadership brand 

Creating your leadership brand  Your professional identity as a leader isn’t just about titles and positions—it’s about the impression you leave on those you lead. Welcome to the idea of leadership branding, where we explore how you can shape your identity as a leader.  What do you want to be known for?  As a leader, have you ever wondered what your team says about you when you’re not in the room? Creating your leadership brand is about answering that question. It’s a reflection on the qualities, behaviours and values you […]
January 12, 2024

The evolving landscape of leadership

The evolving landscape of leadership  The dynamics of leadership have transformed over the last few decades. From the autocratic rule of the past to the collaborative and inclusive models of the present day, the evolution of leadership styles has been a remarkable journey. In this blog, we look at the shift from traditional management to the visionary leadership we see today.  Command and control  Let’s start with the Industrial Revolution and the 80s – an era dominated by leaders who wielded authority with an iron fist. It was a time […]
December 8, 2022

Understanding change

Understanding how we react to change   Cutting costs. Efficiency gains. New technologies. Restructuring. New leadership. Whatever form it might take, change is a given in most organisations as we navigate challenges and grasp opportunities in front of us.  But no matter how well we’ve planned organisational change, understanding and effectively dealing with how people respond is key to effective implementation.  In fact, research from McKinsey & Company found 70% of change programmes fail, pointing out common pitfalls are largely due to “employee resistance and lack of management support”.  Here, we […]
April 18, 2022

Conflict is Good

Conflict: how can it be a good thing? In May 2021, workplace expert Acas published a report which showed nearly half a million employees resign every year as a result of workplace conflict. It also revealed the potential for increased conflict as organisations try to adapt to changes after COVID-19. There’s a clear benefit to handling conflict early. Not least avoiding stress and impact on team morale. But unpick the problem, and you might find it’s productive and leads to positive change. Here’s why. How can conflict be a positive thing? Many […]
April 1, 2022

Strategic Leadership

How to become a strategic leader As you progress in your career you often need to move from being an operational leader to a strategic leader. But the word ‘strategy’ can instil a feeling of fear into many managers. It may be because it sounds grander than it actually is, so we thought we’d ask Brenda Etchells, our associate and specialist in strategic planning, to help us de-mystify strategy. So what is strategy? In essence, a strategy is having a plan of how you will achieve your goals, objectives, and […]
March 18, 2022

Difficult Conversations

How to handle difficult conversations Throughout our careers, we all experience those moments when we’re not happy with someone’s behaviour or performance. It’s easy to put off a difficult conversation. You could be worried about the other person’s reaction and how you might handle it. Or worse, you might convince yourself that ignoring it will mean the matter goes away. But if they aren’t nipped in the bud, issues can escalate, impacting others in the team or customers. How you have a difficult conversation can affect the outcome. So how […]
October 12, 2021

Modern Leadership – the last 40 years

As more people return to the workplace with the lifting of coronavirus restrictions, the demands of managing a blended working arrangement of home and office are unprecedented. Managing those who may be anxious about or unaccustomed to their new working set-up places new demands on management. Now is an ideal opportunity to ask questions about the sort of leadership that is most effective in a changed, post-pandemic world. Reflecting on the last four phases of modern leadership can provide an insight into how evolving management styles have altered the working […]