Cube Learning & Development
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We share our latest insights and advice on learning and development.


August 3, 2023

The power of assertiveness: learning to say no to your boss

The fear of saying no to our managers at work often weighs heavily on our minds. As employees, we strive to be liked, and seen as productive and valued team members, which can lead to a habit of saying ‘yes’ to every request that comes our way. However, constantly taking on more than we can handle leads to overwhelming workloads, increased stress, and less ability to prioritise effectively.   In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of assertiveness and discuss strategies for learning to say no to your boss in a […]
December 8, 2022

Understanding change

Understanding how we react to change   Cutting costs. Efficiency gains. New technologies. Restructuring. New leadership. Whatever form it might take, change is a given in most organisations as we navigate challenges and grasp opportunities in front of us.  But no matter how well we’ve planned organisational change, understanding and effectively dealing with how people respond is key to effective implementation.  In fact, research from McKinsey & Company found 70% of change programmes fail, pointing out common pitfalls are largely due to “employee resistance and lack of management support”.  Here, we […]
July 4, 2022

Presentation Structure – what to consider for maximum impact

In the last blog, (click link – Preparing Perfect Presentations) we discussed presentations: the importance of preparation and how understanding your audience’s needs positively supports their engagement.   The next step to delivering a great presentation is to consider how to structure it to achieve maximum impact.   Telling the story  Think about the structure of a simple story – one you might have been read at primary school. All the best presentations, like the best stories, should have a beginning, a middle and an end. Considering and constructing each of […]