Cube Learning & Development
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workplace culture

August 12, 2024

Understanding responsibilities in hybrid working

Hybrid working has revolutionised not only where employees work but also how they collaborate across physical and virtual spaces. The responsibility for making hybrid work successful lies jointly with managers and team members. Both need to actively work together to create a productive and supportive work environment.  Establishing clear guidelines and communication  To enable effective hybrid working, it is key to establish clear guidelines from the outset. This includes defining expectations for remote and in-office presence, communication protocols, and collaboration tools. Creating a contract/agreement means everyone is aligned on the […]
October 8, 2023

Mastering personal impact: The power of assertiveness

As we navigate our careers, how well we communicate, work together and express ourselves shapes our path. This blog dives into personal impact, spotlighting assertiveness and cooperation. We’ll look at common behaviours like aggression and passivity, see why they’re not ideal, and discover why assertiveness is the best way to communicate effectively.  What is assertiveness?  ‘Assertiveness is an honest and appropriate expression of your feelings, opinions and needs’ according to Hadfield and Hasson. It’s about standing up for yourself and your rights while maintaining an open and respectful attitude toward […]
July 6, 2023

Boosting team productivity: strategies for effective collaboration in the workplace

In the modern workplace, team productivity plays a crucial role in achieving organisational success. According to a survey conducted by McKinsey, highly collaborative teams are 20-25% more productive than their less collaborative counterparts. Effective collaboration and streamlined teamwork are vital components that contribute to a team’s overall productivity.   In this blog, we’ll explore key strategies to enhance your team’s productivity both on and offline.  Cascading team objectives  Clear and well-defined team objectives serve as a compass for focused and aligned effort. Ensure that team objectives are communicated and cascaded effectively, […]
March 18, 2022

Difficult Conversations

How to handle difficult conversations Throughout our careers, we all experience those moments when we’re not happy with someone’s behaviour or performance. It’s easy to put off a difficult conversation. You could be worried about the other person’s reaction and how you might handle it. Or worse, you might convince yourself that ignoring it will mean the matter goes away. But if they aren’t nipped in the bud, issues can escalate, impacting others in the team or customers. How you have a difficult conversation can affect the outcome. So how […]
September 11, 2021

Workplace habits – adapting after the pandemic

If you have worked in an office during any part of your career, there are some things that are just comfortingly familiar, regardless of who you work for.  Having someone else make you a brew as part of a round.  Catching up with a colleague hogging the photocopier to pass the time until your printing is done.  Shaking hands with your visitors as you welcome them to your site. But what happens when these corporate comforts are no longer appropriate?  Alongside vaccination, social distancing and enhanced hygiene measures are still […]