Cube Learning & Development
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We share our latest insights and advice on learning and development.


April 18, 2022

Conflict is Good

Conflict: how can it be a good thing? In May 2021, workplace expert Acas published a report which showed nearly half a million employees resign every year as a result of workplace conflict. It also revealed the potential for increased conflict as organisations try to adapt to changes after COVID-19. There’s a clear benefit to handling conflict early. Not least avoiding stress and impact on team morale. But unpick the problem, and you might find it’s productive and leads to positive change. Here’s why. How can conflict be a positive thing? Many […]
February 19, 2022

Feeding Back Effectively: tips to help keep feedback helpful and constructive

In the last blog, we discussed how facilitating good feedback should be a priority for leaders. It’s critical for improving the performance of your team. But what is best practice when it comes to delivering that feedback? To be truly effective, feedback needs to fulfil these criteria: Timely If you had to pick one vital component to make feedback effective, it’s timing. Feedback conversations – whether positive or negative in nature – are most effective when they’re held as soon as possible after the event. Relevance wanes after a while – […]
April 11, 2021

Productivity and effectiveness: technology and techniques

In our March blog we reflected on the reality of working from home and the impact this has on our ability to be as effective as possible.  In the 24/7 switched on world we live in, it can quickly become overwhelming to start each day without a clear idea of what you need to be on top of. And it’s equally as deflating to end it feeling like you haven’t achieved what you needed to. Once you’ve mastered how to look more critically at what’s important to deliver each day, […]